
下弦の月が今宵 伽を語る

仄暗い昊の下 途を揺らす影を
桜花の如く舞う 襦袢が掠める

漂う色香 漆黒の髪
鈴音の言葉 潤んだ瞳

遡る記憶 螺旋
描き 喚び醒ます

泡沫の陽炎 時を刻む程に
暗澹の謡 耳に響かせる
朱色の毬を 深紅に染めた
忌みし者を 葬り去れと

一枚の夢は 憂い
抱き 微笑みかける
孤独は常に 眼を細め


憐れみを称える 満ちた煌めきが
無口な暗雲に 呑み込まれて逝く

面を隠し 帷子を纏い
狂った風は 心を無くす

儚く壊れた 骸から 覗く
神の欠片 全てを悟り
泪には 血が滲む

刹那に滅びた 愛は 朽ちて砕け散る
弄ばれた 運命と命とともに

魂は融けて 天翔る星に

下弦の月が今宵 語りし伽は
悲しき物語 哀れな物語

Funeral Beneath The Moon

Tonight, the waning moon will tell a tale
Shadows flicker on the path beneath a gloomy sky
Grazing my shirt that flutters like cherry blossoms

Colours and scents drift about jet-black hair
Eyes clouded by the words in a bell's sound

Memories of the past draw a spiral
I call out to wake you
In the sunlight shining through trees
The radiance, my thoughts, are changing

While a transient heat haze marks the passing of time
Somber chanting makes my ears ring
Mourners who dyed the vermilion ball a deep crimson
Will be consigned to oblivion

A single dream is a sad one, but I'll embrace it and smile
Loneliness always watches with narrowed eyes
When I'm tempted by darkness

It says, "A land of fighting
struggles to reach the end of hatred.
Mad demons are alighting upon
this vast land violated by a curse."

The full radiance that praises pity
Is being swallowed up by reticent clouds

I'll wear a thin kimono to conceal myself
From the maddened wind that would abolish my heart

When I peek at the transiently broken corpses
I can understand all the fragments of gods
And blood runs in my tears

Our love that was ruined in an instant
Is rotting and being smashed up
Along with the lives and fates that were toyed with

My soul is melting into the soaring stars

Tonight, the tale told by the waning moon
Is a sad story, a pity story

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