
漂えば遥かまで 谺するこの聲よ
貌わりゆく時代の風に翻り 何処までも 響いて

言葉は意味を絶ち 無数に羅列する
届かぬ願いだけが 幾世も闇を呼ぶ 廻り巡る

漂えば遥かまで 谺するこの聲よ
貌わりゆく時代の風に翻り 何処までも 響いて


希望は臨まれず 疎んだこの昊を
今こそ光承け 五体を拡げ

漂えば遥かまで 谺するこの聲よ
貌わりゆく時代の風に翻り 何処までも 響いて



漂えば遥かまで 谺するこの聲よ
貌わりゆく時代の風に翻り 何処までも 響いて

If I drift along, my voice echoes into the distance
Fluttering in the wind of changing times, it'll resound anywhere

Words suppress the meaning, counting them infinitely
Only unfulfilled wishes call out to ages and darkness, revolving around

If I drift along, my voice echoes into the distance
Fluttering in the wind of changing times, it'll resound anywhere

Ephemerally scattering life histories are like withering flowers
The day of a new beginning is already imminent

This sky I shunned without facing my hopes
I'll tear apart the clouds that covered it
Now is the time to receive light, spread your body wide

If I drift along, my voice echoes into the distance
Fluttering in the wind of changing times, it'll resound anywhere

Ephemerally scattering life histories are like withering flowers
The day of a new beginning is already imminent

Even at the end of destiny, I've yet to see the scenery quivering
I'll throw open that door and seize tomorrow in my hands

If I drift along, my voice echoes into the distance
Fluttering in the wind of changing times, it'll resound anywhere

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