
魅いて惹かれるこの恋は 終わらない隠れんぼ 
君は何処にいるの? もういいかい・・・? 

君を追いかけて 奈落に墜ち込んだ 
季節の始め 春の日
目隠しをされて 光を失った 
孤独な温もり 夏の日

そう いまもいまも 君を捜す 抱き締めたくて 
そう いつもいつも 届かない 君を呼ぶ聲は

君の小さな手が 小指と薬指を 
握り締めてた 秋の日 
その倅かんだ手が 気付けば離れていた 
二度と戻る事のない 冬の日

そう いまもいまも 君を捜す 抱き締めたくて 
そう いつもいつも 聴こえない 鬼さんこちら

魅いて惹かれるこの恋は 終わらない隠れんぼ 
僕は此処にいるの? もういいかい・・・? 

Hidden Love

My love, charmed and captivated, an endless hide and seek
Where are you? Are you ready yet?
It's okay now...

Spring days, the beginning of the seasons
When I chased you and we descended into hell
Summer days, the lonely warmth
When I was blindfolded and lost the light

Yes, even now, even now, I search for you, wanting to hold you
Yes, forever and always, my voice that calls for you won't reach

Autumn days, your small hands
Tightly gripped my pinky and ring fingers
A winter day I can never return to
When I noticed the hand which that boy bit had already let go

Yes, even now, even now, I search for you, wanting to hold you
Yes, forever and always, unable to hear you, Oni-san is here

My love, charmed and captivated, an endless hide and seek
I'm here, aren't I? Are you ready yet...?
Answer me...


The title, Kakurenbo, means "hide and seek" but  Isshi incorporates the kanji for love. More specifically, 恋慕 is a gentle attachment.

In Japan, the chaser or the seeker in these kind of games is called the Oni. He/she asks もういいかい? ("Are you ready?") to which the others who are playing will respond もういいよ ("We're ready now"), and the Oni will run in the direction of their voices.

(Thanks to kazzeh for clarifying all of this for me!)

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