暗き陰りにて  闇に浮遊する軛
白き唐衣裳  染める赤き血は
怨めしく念えば  愛しさは昊へと翔る

何処向いしか  問えば簾から
覘く妖しが  詠う嘆き謌
怨めしく念えば  愛しさが沁入る
あな哀し謌から  滲む寂しさ

愛し...  哀し...  寂し...

A yoke hangs in the darkness, like a black shadow
White, ancient clothing, dyed red with blood
If I think bitterly, loveliness flies toward heaven

If I ask what's beyond and peek through the screen
My suspicions are singing a grievous song
If I think bitterly, loveliness seeps in
Loneliness oozes from those sad songs

Beloved... Sorrow... Lonely...

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