拒む物を蹴散らして  拒む物皆薙ぎ倒す  

北へ奔り 南に奔る 
西へ奔り 東へ奔る
篝火を纏い 月を背に  今宵も叫ぶ 
黒き影は 猛き姿へと変貌らせる
疾風の如く 山を越え 谷をも越えて  
逸る脚は 哀しい結末を導き賜う

時代を跨ぎ氏は 勇ましき 彼を祀りけり  
太鼓鳴らし 円陣組みて讃え崇め
星降りし昊に 物語 また轟かせ 
後の世へと   今もこの胸で哭き聲響く

Dazzling silver fur stands on end, and I run along
With my beloved fangs I go, under your influence
Kicking rejected things aside, everyone beating them down
This beast's path of life is solid knowledge

Running north, running south
Running west, running east
Tonight too, everyone screams to the moon clad in a bonfire
Black shadows are transformed into ferocious shapes
Like a gale crossing the mountains, and crossing even valleys
Impatient feet are being guided to a sad end

The name that spans time is valiant, worshiping him
Drums sound, forming a circle to praise and revere him
In the sky where stars rain down, the story roars once again
Into the afterlife and even now, a crying voice resounds in my chest
Isshi chose a different kanji for "Matsuri" than the usual one which means "festival". He wanted the song to also signify worship, which he explains in this interview about the Rin single.

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