Isshi's Tedium Diary


Good evening, how is everyone passing the time? I'm Isshi. I'm welcoming the final day of the Gunyuu Kakkyo tour at ON AIR EAST, and these days I'm working hard at composing music. The live at EAST has been the most moving for us so far. Of course, it was a live that confirmed that music is, and Kagrra is, magnificent. Well, this time I think I want to tell a story I heard lately that might be hard to believe. Recently I went back to my parents' home after a long time, but my family lineage has very many relatives, though there's still my main family in the household. I have a lot of uncles and aunts, but I just went to meet my first uncle for the first time in 10 years, and I talked to him about me doing music. At first he didn't seem to understand much and was tilting his head as he listened to my stories, but when I told him about my concept of "Oni" and told him how I display it as a good thing, he showed me some writing archives from the olden days which he had in the cellar. I asked about it since I didn't understand what was written there, and he said that what was written is that our family's ancestors are such "Oni." My interest was welling up quite a lot, and I pestered him to tell me more details. Then, he taught me everything up to the name of the "Oni". It seems it's an Oni called Hachimen Daiou, who in folklore is a considerably fearsome Oni. He'll tell me the story of how that Oni is our ancestor at another opportunity. My interest in "Oni" gushed forth even more because there are such things. It's a strange story, but I believe it. Well then, let's meet again next time. Yours truly.

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