Isshi's Tedium Diary

Good evening, how is everyone doing? I feel as if I haven't met everyone for a long time. Since it's the turning point of the seasons, please take care that you don't get a cold or anything. Saying this, I'm possessed by a cold and I'll turn to the Mac in my home.

Speaking of what we've been doing lately, although we haven't appeared in front of everyone in a while, we're always busy every day. Everyone is doing their best with things like arranging the songs on 「gozen」, and studio work, with no time to sleep. Saying that, I also cut down the time I spend on this serial column and got this one in at the last moment. However, since the five of us are doing our best with the dream of our strongest album giving everyone the best smiling faces when you get it, please wait eagerly for our work.

Well, this time shall I continue from last time with memories of the "Kotodama" PV shooting at Fuji Jukai?
There was quite a distance to the next shooting location after the shooting at Hitoana was over, so we all got in the van and turned to our destination. It was exactly the time of Obon so when we're talking about the deep forest it was pretty warm outside. We ran a little and discovered a vast farmland. Before my eyes, Naoran who was holding the steering wheel became cheerful. I was sure he was recalling his hometown. I wonder if Izumi and I were sad or also cheerful. No, Izumi was crazily between the two.

In the meantime, we saw an out-of-place convenience store. Since we said there wouldn't be another convenience store after this point, we all entered the convenience store with full makeup. Five out-of-place people at an out-of-place convenience store... What a grand spectacle that is, I thought, with a wry smile. After that we got in the van again and drove fast for another 30 minutes, after the film unit's van that decelerated for a right turn. We continued behind. In my mind I was muttering "This isn't a road..." If pushed I'd have to say it was an animal trail. An animal trail where you could barely pass alongside a car. It was dark in the directions outside this animal trail, which was ominous. When I had a bad feeling about being rocked up and down, left and right, we finally arrived at our destination, the "Ryuuketsu"(*1). We would take still shots here.

Getting out of the car and treading through the fine gravel, we headed for the Ryuuketsu which felt like climbing a mountain. What I saw there was surely the entrance way to an old spring. Cool air drifted from the large mouth of the cave. I was the last one there. They shot my pose of climbing a rocky area in my shoes with poor balance. They took pretty good images.
"Well, let's go to the next one," the Director(*2) said.
But I spoke of my selfishness here. "I want to take photos in the cave!"
But they said that this darkness, it'd be dangerous to go into an even darker, more rugged cave, so my hopes were sadly rejected. As I reluctantly returned to the vans, I suddenly saw something on the way... Rope?!
Eh... I stopped for a moment. When I could see better, it wasn't just rope. Hands, feet, a head... blood on all of those. I stood perfectly still.
"What the hell!" I shouted.
Then there was a voice from underfoot. "Ah~ Isshi-kun come here next okay~" It was the film unit people. It was an elaborately played gimmick. I sighed in relief, and excitedly talked about "Battalion"(*3) with the film unit people. Meanwhile, the photoshoot here was drawn to an end. Before I knew it, the area was in pitch darkness. We headed to the final shooting place, the forest waterfall, with utmost fear... To be continued...

Well then, let's meet again next time. Yours truly.


1 - 竜穴 (ryuuketsu) doesn't seem to be any one specific place, rather, they're locations where the forces are said to be good for Onmyoudo. They're also known as Power Spots. I could only find information about it in Japanese but I got that information from Wikipedia.

2 - The director's name is 近藤さん but I don't know the kanji readings.

3 - Battalion is the Japanese title for "Return of the Living Dead"

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