Isshi's Tedium Diary

Good evening, how is everyone doing today? Kagrra's first full concept album 「gozen」was finally released! Have you listened to it yet? I'm heartfully awaiting everyone's impressions. Well, due to this 「gozen」, we're in the midst of our tour. Around the time this volume reaches everyone's hands, I think we'll already be finished Osaka and Nagoya. The one remaining is just LIQUID ROOM! I think it'll be a long live, and the greatest in the history of Kagrra. The keyword typical of me is "enlightenment". I wonder if I will be able to display a genuine Oni to everyone... Although I said that sentence, I think it would surely take a pretty long time so until that day, please store up your strength by eating a lot of New Year's food and rice soup.

Well, this time, I think I want to tell the story about that album 「gozen」. To begin with, I thought I'd somehow write a story about Suzuka Gozen... I'm always reading various books, and in one of those there was unexpectedly a story about Suzuka Gozen. To tell the truth there were a lot other than stories of an Oni princess. For example, Hariti, who kidnapped and ate human children. An old hag of the fields who attacked travelers and ripped out and devoured their liver while they were still alive. Ahh, to speak of the major points I feel like this, but, in all of those it's somehow Suzuka Gozen...? Suzuka Gozen is an Oni princess who fell in love with a human man, and saved the human world. Maybe there are stories that resemble others, but when I read these stories, it's just that I have the habit of daydreaming 'But it'd be better like this.' Without knowing how limited that is, it steadily keeps swelling up and results in this now. The story of the real Suzuka Gozen was quite different from this, but I think for me, it's surely because I live in the present age that I could create a work like this.

Writing the story of 「gozen」, in that instant it was a story spreading out even more, a concept album mounted in ten songs. If I say that anything was difficult to change about 「gozen」, it would be her childlike existence. That story of 「gozen」 is the one I'm writing now. As distinct from facing myself, I recall various emotions, and I write for the sake of the true conclusion within me. I want you all to read it too okay? Ahh, might there be a lot of requests for publication from everyone? The people who want to read it, please send your thoughts about it to SHOXX.

We'll be welcoming various things at January 5th Shinjuku Liquidroom. Sincerely, to those who have weak hearts, please take care of yourselves. Well then, I'll be waiting from my heart for everyone's arrival at the Oni pleasure garden.
Yours truly.

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