Dragon (Part One)
My nan's story.
It happened when my nan was still young.

She was often playing with her friends at the neighborhood's Shinto Shrine, but that day they were drawing pictures in the ground and playing with mud. When they became aware of time, it was dusk. While my nan and her friends were saying such things as "Should we go back home soon?" they casually looked toward the red, sinking sun, and saw something descending from the sky. At first glance it was a long and narrow cloud, but it was winding and wriggling  as it slowly descended, and approaching my nan and her friends.

"What's that?" "What could it be?" they were saying, and meanwhile it was steadily approaching. Finally it dropped into the buckets at the drinking fountain before their eyes. Nan and her friends were standing stock-still, absolutely dumbfounded, but a little while later it came up from underwater with the sound of a splash and just like that, returned to the sky again.

"That was surely a dragon~" my nan told me, but it's suddenly difficult to believe because I think it was rather like old folklore.

However, an incident that makes me think 'Couldn't it be that way?' happened to me too...
<Coach's ?>
Yeaah. This is a little wasteful, Isshi. With only such proposals as"at first glance it was a long and narrow cloud" and "winding and wriggling", your nan thinking "it was a dragon" is a hard to connect. I don't know anything would make anybody believe it was a dragon. Figure, shape, colour... In this case I would've liked to get a grip on the size (it seems big in the beginning, then surprisingly small). This is one of the units of ghost story collecting, for example when you hear the word "Ghost" you'll listen to all the factors of "Why did they think of a ghost?"

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