The Old Lady of the Mountain Pass
Another story from the driver.

It was when he was traveling a certain mountain pass around 1 o'clock at night. The descent was a road with many twists and turns, and he gripped the steering wheel acutely in his right and left hands. The lights were shining ahead of him, and he saw an impossible thing.

There was a white-haired woman, sitting, dressed in a kimono. He was astounded for a moment, but somehow he kept his presence of mind and descended further down the road.

'Surely, everyone who's eyes met that would probably have an accident right?' He told me with a smiling face, once again.
<Coach's Sworn Enemy>
He's strong, isn't he, this driver. Speaking of that, I can understand this one more than the reaper all along. By the way, Isshi, you didn't write anything about it but did this driver have to avoid the woman by turning the wheel? Or did he just plunge forward as he was, judging in an instant that the woman was not of the lands of this world? And then did she disappear just as he was on the verge of running her down? He saw her. He kept his presence of mind. Just saying that much is futile. Because it's likely that with just this information, the old woman (at least you wrote 'old woman') is a usual person to see. Because the light really would illuminate the pitch-black mountain pass, I can understand that he should see her somehow or other, it's a crucial point. (Actually, whether he could see her before she was illuminated...) ...Speaking of that, while I'm also collecting data I'm encountering a lot of "walls" that I don't remember well, but in your case, please diligently listen before that... These drivers stories, do they go on?

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