My story.
It happened no more than a month after the band's demise.
I usually try as much as I can to not go out in the daytime, but of course there's no way I can't go out at all.
A certain spring day...

I was going out to the convenience store to buy something to eat. On my way back home I was walking while looking down, and a pale pink petal fell at my feet.
'Huh... It's already sakura season, is it...?' I thought, looking up as a strong gust of wind blew, expecting to see a countless number of petals fluttering down.
I looked all around, but I couldn't see a sakura tree anywhere.
Helplessly tilting my head, I continued on my way back home.

It was surely a miraculous thing... Ah, it might be absurd to call this a mystery, but to me, it felt like the sakura flowers that I love and had such a deep affinity with, were saying "Please lift your head up again soon." And emotions of loneliness and pain and kindness were welling up within me.

After this, I'm sure that my affinity with sakura will continue on and never be broken.
<Coach's Wish>
But, you really don't go out unless it's to get food or drink, do you. Other than that... Isshi, this is unmistakeably absurd (using such difficult kanji...) You can't call it a mystery... or rather, it's not a story where you can use the character 'mystery'. Isn't it just... a usual cherry blossom story in the spring? Even though it's just one story that's useless as a ghost story... I'll stop my work here.

"Sakura" was a story you wrote about this time one year ago... I think? The affinity between you and cherry blossoms is really deep isn't it... That's what I understand from reading your lyrics and listening to your songs up until now. The cherry blossoms of this world are surely coming into full bloom as this manuscript is being written. Are you, who wrote "Sakura"... looking at these cherry blossoms from somewhere? In this season when cherry blossoms bloom, you wrote the story "Sakura" about the flowers which you loved, and one year later, I'm writing "Coach's wish" in addition to it. You still held a deep affinity to me too... saying that,  as I read carefully, it might be a brief comment on "Sakura Maichiru" I guess. Those feelings, you seem to have written them from your heart, combining the sakura you loved with the ghost stories you loved. Well... instead of the cherry blossoms that can't say a word, I can only say this to each and every fan who also felt an affinity from you. "Please lift your head up again soon."

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