
それは優しく それは哀しく 

遠く遥かに眠る 彼の人を包んで

色褪せ消えた季節 独り訪ねてみても
この手に触れる物は 淡雪の様な花弁よ
廻り逝く歳月に 置去りの葉双が
奏でる美しさに もどかしくて泪する

夢に彷徨う 影と光が 
数え切れない星に 彼の人を映して

哀しみは谺する この胸を駆け巡る
永劫の愛しさを 衣の様に纏い

色褪せ消えた季節 独り訪ねてみても
この手に触れる物は 淡雪の様な花弁よ
廻り逝く歳月に 置去りの葉双が
奏でる美しさに もどかしくて泪する

Floating weakly about a weeping cherry tree
The sound of a flute pierces the moon's light
It is gentle, it is sorrowful
Mixing with darkness to become an arc

Wrapping up the person sleeping far, far away

Alone, I try to visit the seasons that faded and disappeared
The things I touch with my hands are flower petals like light snow
A pair of leaves left behind by the passing years
I cry impatiently to the beauty playing out

Wandering in a dream, shadow and light
Mingle with time and extend out
Projecting that person onto countless stars

Sadness is echoing, and rushing about my chest
An eternal love, worn like a robe

Alone, I try to visit the seasons that faded and disappeared
The things I touch with my hands are flower petals like light snow
A pair of leaves left behind by the passing years
I cry impatiently to the beauty playing out

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