
飾らない言葉で 問うのなれば
人は何故に生まれ堕ち 死へ向かう

絶え間なく流れてゆく 時間の螺旋の中
うつむく僕の背中に 君から
物憂げなても確かな ヌクモリの雫は
心に滲みゆく 夢


絶望に侵され 凍えたのは

つないだ僕達の手は 引き裂けず
危うく燦めきあう イトシサの破片は
未来を開きゆく 鍵


絶え間なく流れてゆく 時間の螺旋の中
うつむく僕の背中に 君から
物憂げなても確かな ヌクモリの雫は
心に滲みゆく 夢

この掌に今も君の 護るべき笑顔と
密やかに積る不安が あるけれど
危うく燦めきあう イトシサの破片は
未来を開きゆく 鍵

If I always hold my hands out to the same moon
A box of misfortunes that emits colours
I'll always embrace the same transience
Exhaling breath that mingles with darkness

If I can ask you, with these unadorned words,
Why are people born and then turn toward death?

Within the spiral of incessantly flowing time
Onto my back as I gaze downward, from you
A listless and definite droplet of warmth
Sinking into my heart; a dream

What do I seek at the end of the world?
Everyone thinks about everyone else
As if others' affairs are seen to with smiling faces
They seem to talk delightfully

Violated by despair, and frozen
It's the flame that I called "love" long ago, isn't it?

Even the whip of fate that twisted my sorrow
Can't tear apart our joined hands
A barely-shining fragment of loveliness
Opening up the future; a key

The sun rises and sets
I'm crying for such an eternity

Within the spiral of incessantly flowing time
Onto my back as I gaze downward, from you
A listless and definite droplet of warmth
Sinking into my heart; a dream

Even now, I should guard your smiling face in my hands
I have anxieties that pile up quietly, but even so
A barely-shining fragment of loveliness
Is opening up the future; a key

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