"Shizuku" release celebration Talk Event
2007.2.16 KDDI Designing Studio
Kagrra, are going with all their might 2 days after the release of the innovative album "Shizuku". On February 16th, they had a talk event and acoustic live at Harajuku KDDI Designing Studio. From March they'll finally be starting their oneman tour "Shizuku~Seeking for the cause tour 2007~" and continuing with their hall oneman tour "Shizuku~with a cause, as a result tour 2007~". Their journey in search of a "result" starts here.
What's typical, what's not typical. What's changed, what doesn't change. I have a feeling those kinds of discussions don't have much meaning anymore.
This is the second time we've covered the long-awaited full album "Shizuku" that Kagrra, released in February, in this magazine. Certainly, as this time there'll be a lot of talk of the conscious changes therein from the members' own mouths, so as a result we were able to sense plenty of the musical growth involved.
Furthermore, the current work includes music by an external producer, mixed in with songs that have been self-produced as usual, so with the former as well as the latter, the work has an innovative feel. We can't say that we're surprised about that.

As Isshi said, "That's surely the height of our awareness. It was the feeling that we wanted to change and become stronger than those around us. When we aim for a new scope, this was what we have in mind." But I think now we'll come to understand how much Kagrra, will create even after this episode.
In other words, if the things whey want to express are clear with their firm foundation as a band, then it's about what kind of approach they'll take from there, since they produce music only as Kagrra. Therefore, they make music with absolute individuality. In short, it's nonsense for a person to unnecessarily make a fuss over whether they've "changed, or not changed."

To say it strongly, this was a talk about how they have increased the ways in which they refine their expression, and we're genuinely looking forward to the music put out by them in the future. What that means is their next oneman tour starting from March, "Shizuku~Seeking for the cause tour 2007~" is the best way to really enjoy their music, so we wanted to go to this event as kind of a preliminary encounter.

2 days after the release of their album "Shizuku", their talk event and acoustic live was on February 16th at Harajuku KDDI Designing Studio. On that day, they first showed the PV of "Shizuku", the representative track of the album, and after that the 5 members entered. The interview took the form of all of them answering questions about their current work. Therein, one by one they answered what songs from the album they have personal attachment to, which is what we took down for each of them here.

Akiya: "Utakata" right? It was a song that gave us the chance to tie everything on this album together.
Izumi: For me it's "Ishin". It was one of the relatively older songs we made, but I really like the melody. Recording was great this time around.
Isshi: When I'm asked which of all of these I prefer, it's all of the songs in general, but even so, "Kasunda fuyu no mukou ni...". When we were pre-programming, I thought with conviction, "This song will be so good!"
Nao: It would be my own songs, but aside from that, "Hakai" because Isshi's lyrics have a great meaning. Somehow, it's a song that feels like the "true Isshi".
Shin: For me I think it's definitely "Shizuku". We included it as a new experiment, and part of it was created with hardships, but it's charming. (laughs) But I think it might not be a song that's good for lives.

Hearing those true words gives us a scene of the members facing the upcoming tour with enthusiasm. After this, the event finally developed into an acoustic live.

The rhythm unit left their seats for a little while, and we calmly listened as "Utakata" and "Shizuku" were carefully performed by Isshi and Akiya and Shin. Also, this event space is a joint establishment that opens to KDDI showroom, and when the performance started there were casual people as well as foreigners who seemed like tourists, all gathering around the stage, and we caught sight of these people listening attentively to the music.

After performing 2 songs, Nao and Izumi joined again. to greet us with all the members. Then Isshi left us with the following words. "Shizuku is a work to which we gave our everything. The title "Shizuku" represents the origin of all things, but from our tour after this all of us as Kagrra, want to search for 'cause and effect'."

Sounds that were produced as they should be produced. Songs that were produced as they should be conveyed. This is what they take with them on their journey from here.

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