
切り離れた情景 規則正しく
まるで叱るように 雨が叩く


祈ってみても 縋ってみても
願ってみても 頼ってみても

手待ち無沙汰から 筆を握れど

誰を呪おうとも 唯時間が過ぎてく

いくら悔いても いくら泣いても

祈ってみても 縋ってみても
願ってみても 頼ってみても
Sentient Rain

The scene I was cut off from is well-regulated
Rain strikes, just like it's scolding me

The compensation for my desire is much too long

Though I try to pray, and try to cling to it
The light of the sun is dazzling
Though I try to wish, and try to depend on it
I'll never reach that moon

I grip my brush after a while without writing
But nothing flows from the empty bottle

No matter whom I'll curse, time just passes by

However many regrets, however many times I cry
I can't go back to that moment

Though I try to pray, and try to cling to it
The light of the sun is dazzling
Though I try to wish, and try to depend on it
I'll never reach that moon
Ujou is normally written as 有情, and it means 'sentience'. Isshi changed the first kanji to rain instead, and considering the line about rain in the first verse, I decided on Sentient Rain as the title.

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