独り立ち止まり 昊を見上げ問い掛ける
この世界に於ける 存在の理由とその意味を

誰しもが抱えた 誕生も終焉もまた 哀しみを訴える

咲いて 香り 枯れて 滅びる 生まれ死に逝く幾度も
朽ちて 還り そして 芽を葺く 人は何処へ向かうのだろう?

形を成す物は 壊れるからこそ美しい
果敢ない夢ほど 輝きを放つ塵と燃える

揺れ動く思考の渦に 結末は或るのか

咲いて 香り 枯れて 滅びる 生まれ死に逝く幾度も
朽ちて 還り そして 芽を葺く 人は何処へ向かうのだろう?


咲いて 香り 枯れて 滅びる 生まれ死に逝く幾度も
朽ちて 還り そして 芽を葺く 人は何処へ向かうのだろう?

Alone, I stand still, looking up at the sky and asking
The meaning and reason for existence in this world

Creation and demise, held by everyone, are raised to sorrow again

A blooming scent withers and fades, birth leads to death many times
It rots and returns and new life sprouts, where is it that people go?

Things with an established form are beautiful because they break
As transient as a dream, the dust burns and gives off radiance

Is there an end to the swirl of trembling thoughts
At the threshold of heaven and earth?

A blooming scent withers and fades, birth leads to death many times
It rots and returns and new life sprouts, where is it that people go?

However long we seek the meaning of life
The god of salvation just smiles

A blooming scent withers and fades, birth leads to death many times
It rots and returns and new life sprouts, where is it that people go?

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