Kagrra, Personal Questionnaire 20


01. What did you do first when you woke up this morning, and why?
I played with my beloved children (pet dogs). Because that’s what I always do.
02. What do you always do before you go to bed, and why?
Meditation. Because that’s what I always do.
03. What do you always buy at the convenience store, and why?
Bento. Because I can’t cook.
04. Spring, summer, fall and winter, which season do you like the most?
Winter. Because it’s the season I was born in.
05. Frankly speaking, what is your charm point?
Oni teeth.
06. Please give 3 features that you find cool for a guy to have.
Doesn’t sleep, doesn’t die, has a punch power of 300kg
07. Please write your best pick-up line.
Make vegetarian (Buddhist) food for me!!
08. Something you currently worry about but can’t do anything about
The future of nature
09. Something you’re completely into
10. If you could become another member for just one day, who would you become and what would you do?
No matter who I’d become I wouldn’t change what I do, so it’s alright.

11. Your favorite kanji and why.
志, because it has the feeling of samurai.
12. A hairstyle you want to try
I’ve tried everything already.
13. What do you think you were in your previous life?
I’ve been told ‘fire’. 
14. What is your current ringtone.
None, it’s always on vibrate.
15. What do you want to eat until your stomach is full?
Curry from Bikkuri Donkey
16. What is a good indication of your health?
Body temperature
17. A place you want to try doing a live once.
18. Frankly speaking, what is your weak point?
My smile
19. The hero you admired during your childhood?
Acala (I still do)
20. A thing you always put in the first place
Living so that it doesn't matter when I die.
This translation was done by the wonderful ponyindreamland! Thank you for contributing to my site!
Isshi's answer to the last question doesn't translate well, but it's similar to the English expression "Living every day like it could be my last."

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