


陰と陽と掻き混ぜ 影と光り紡がせ

愛を持たぬ者は 夢も観る事無く
愛を知らなければ 夢は遂がれて


陰と陽と掻き混ぜ 影と光り紡がせ

愛を持たぬ者は 夢も観る事無く
愛を知らなければ 夢は遂がれて


The Treasure



Mixing the yin with the yang, spinning shadow and light

People who don't have love can't even see dreams
You have to know love for dreams to be consummated


Mixing the yin with the yang, spinning shadow and light

People who don't have love can't even see dreams
You have to know love for dreams to be consummated

Waiting on the shadow of its former self
A band accompaniment for my luxury is cruel enough*
Neglected by the gods, I can't live with an Oni


機声 is the kanji representation for the vocalizing that Isshi does in this song. The kanji mean 'machine' and 'voice' so I assume his vocalizing is meant to symbolize the whirring sound of a machine - more specifically, the machine controlling the mind of Lady Suzuka.

*伽樂汰 (togigakutai) ... is not a word; Isshi's being creative and mashing things together. 伽, togi, means 'nurse/attendant/entertainer'... while gakutai (albeit with different kanji: 楽隊) means band... However, in this part of the word, Isshi opts to use the kanji for 'luxury', 汰. Thus my translation is born! But in all honesty, this part confused me... if you have any relevant information, please e-mail me about it!

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