
遙か者 鬼と云われ虐げられた人々が居た
雲上の者達は これを世に仇なす存在として虞れ 
山へ 河へ 海へと追いやった
然し鬼たちは その謂われ無き処遇に耐え忍び 
哀しみを 苦しみを 怨み辛みを共に抱き 


憎み 畏怖し 蔑の念を込めてそう呼んだ
陰と陽は反転し 闇が光を呑み込み 
影が陽を覆い 裏が表になる

刹那顕われた鬼達は 煌煌と輝き 咆哮を散し 
その最期を迎えるまで 命の灯火を燃やし続けた


然し 耳を澄ませば聴こえるであろう
その息吹が 鼓動が 闇に蠢く気配が

If the light pours out, darkness will come
If the sun shines, shadows will flourish
If the surface is overturned, I can see beyond it
Peoples' society is also like this

There are people far away, oppressed people called Oni
People above the clouds feared their existence as a threat to society
And drove them away to the mountains, to the rivers, to the sea
But the Oni endured that reasonless treatment
And waited for their time to come
Embracing the grief, the pain, the malice and bitterness together
The Oni got more strength from uniting and they fly flags of revolution

Hyakki Yagyou--Hundreds of Demons Parading Through The Night

The people above the clouds are agitated by this
They hate it; they fear it, they called out with thoughts of ridicule
The yin and yang are inverting, the darkness swallows up the light
Shadows cover the sun, the inside becomes the surface

The Oni that appear for a moment shine brilliantly, their roars scatter
Until they welcome their last moments, the lamps of life kept burning
That divinity!

Hyakki Kenran--Hundreds of Demons in all Their Splendour

The Oni who approached their end have completely disappeared
To nobody knows where
However, if you strain your ears you might be able to hear them
Those breaths, the pulse, their presence squirming in the darkness
They are biding their time...

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