朱い朧月夜に 雲は呑まれて 
今宵啓示は諭す 聲を荒げて
大地は裂け 昊迄が嘶いて 

塵に塗れた肱 天に挑げて 
大地は裂け 昊迄が嘶いて 

大地は裂け 昊迄が嘶いて 
沈黙に幽か その扉に触れれば 

On a red, hazy moonlit night, concealed by clouds
Tonight the revelation warns me, I'll raise my voice
The land splits open and whinnies at the sky
Everything is locked up in depraved darkness

Arms smeared with dirt challenge the heavens
Deeply gouged eye sockets drip and spill, glaring at fate
The land splits open and whinnies at the sky
Everything is locked up in depraved darkness

The land splits open and whinnies at the sky
Everything is inflamed
Silent and faint, if those doors can be touched
Perhaps life can bud once again

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