The Giant
A story of my older cousin.
It was about 10 years ago.

It happened when my cousin had just graduated high school, and was going out in a car in the middle of the night with his friends. They couldn't decide on anywhere to go in particular, and were driving around the city, when one of them said, "Hey. Let's go to Utsukushigahara!!"

Then they left the city on the mountain road, driving over a winding ridge. After a little while, they came across a place where they could see the beautiful lighting of a faraway city. It was just right, and they got out of the car for a short break.

When they were leaning against the guardrail, they had a conversation. Somebody pointed over at the mountains they could see and said, "Hey, isn't that shadow kinda strange?"
It was night so nothing was clear, but anybody could see that the contour of the mountains was wriggling as though it was haze...
"What's that?" Everyone was watching closely, and somehow that shadow started to move slowly, without a sound! Unable to grasp what was happening, everyone stiffened and held their breath as that shadow steadily became smaller and paler, and disappeared in the distance.

It was as though a giant person had been sitting on the mountain, and they all saw him stand.
<Coach's Restraint>
Wait just a minute~!! First of all, I'll organize what you wrote in a way that's easy to understand. The contour of the mountain wriggling as though in a haze→slowly started to move (in my perspective not much different from the preceding statement)→becoming smaller and paler→disappeared in the distance→as though a giant person had been sitting on the mountain, and they all saw him stand... that's not right! I don't see how this mystery (?) can be explained by a giant, or a person, or even sitting down and standing up... I don't understand. Intro, intro, intro, it feels like a song with a big chorus and then an end. Also, (and of course this is what you left me)when it becomes smaller and paler, that's not a clear distinction from disappearing in the distance. The title is huge, but the contents are small and pale. Besides, I could say more, but I won't touch on the small points.

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