Shoxx PSC Vocal Feature: Isshi
Their perfect, full album "燦 ~san~" was be completed in 2005, and what's more, their first oneman tour of all the halls was a success, it's Kagrra, who ran with remarkable progress. Their new single "Chikai no Tsuki" is already decided for release on February 1st, but those guys are also going to be participating in the current "Peace&Smile Carnival tour2005". Here we tried to ask for open thoughts about that event from Isshi, the frontman of Kagrra,.
For this "Peace&Smile Carnival tour 2005", when we speak of Kagrra, Izumi-kun is the sub-leader supervising the event, and Akiya-kun is working in charge of charity and ecology, but what role do you bear, Isshi-kun?
Isshi: This isn't Lincoln, but as this time is 'A live of bandmen, about bandmen, and for bandmen'*(1), the point is that I want to do everything one by one. So, for me, I want to concentrate all of my energy on having a live that is genuinely Kagrra, not purposely do one particular thing.

So it's not that everyone took charge of something as per your style, but a characteristic of this tour is respecting that everyone has their individual free stance, right?
Isshi: I mean, to put it bluntly, events are a week point for us aren't they? We've been doing nothing but oneman lives recently, and we're not used to doing events. Therefore, I think it'll be necessary that our ability to concentrate is different than usual.

You say that, but a long time ago weren't you naturally performing at lives with other bands?
Isshi: Well, with that kind of meaning then people are sorrowful living beings aren't they? Because we've changed our ways now we seriously can't remember it anymore. (laughs)

So maybe you've forgotten too much. (laughs)
Isshi: Umm, we're talking about it while recalling those days, right? Isn't it things like all of the members setting up their own equipment? Changing racks for the guitars, and changing (mic) stands for the vocalists, we did things like that, surely.

I think it's unmistakeably like that.
Isshi: Therefore, when we occasionally do things like Fanclub Events, I'm perplexed. Because in those times we have to do everything sufficiently ourselves, but some time before this I even completely forgot about changing my mic battery.

Isn't that the foundation of the foundation? (laughs)
Isshi: I've kinda thought in those times that I've gotten bad at doing such things by myself. (wry smile) In the past, we'd do everything ourselves because having a live 15 or 20 minutes long was usual. Since then, ahh, doing a live now like it was back then will have changed, but as it's not a oneman live we're doing, I think it'll be a little bit difficult to recover my perception.

I see.
Isshi: Truly, I kind of think this might be our weak point. We're not strong at events, or should I say, we're not really used to it. In reality, just how much can we convey the charm we have as a band in 20 or 30 minutes? and, how can we have a staging with persuasive power? Because that's a victory or a defeat. Moreover, when we're speaking of the tour this time, it's a tour in which we'll be enlivening the Visual Kei. In that case, I think a lot of the expectation is probably inducing it in such a Visual Kei-like way.

Like how violent songs are enlivening?
Isshi: On that point, that's not the way we are right now. Because after a certain time, we've steadily changed as a band. It's not just force but sound itself that we want to convey, and want people to listen to.

In other words, Kagrra, will present that kind of part even for this tour right?
Isshi: I think that's what I'm saying. It could be an important strong point to express that with a restricted track count. Moreover, when our track count is restricted that much, various things turn up for which we want to do this and that. Even if we think of it as a menu, it's quite difficult.

That's the gist of it, but do you see it like that now? (The interview was before the tour.)
Isshi: ...No, not at all. (wry smile) Everyone will be thinking about this for the next month. But, at such times, various opinions come up. Like this one is good, but those songs are also good, if it flows like this won't it be good? and such. Each time it changes and even now it doesn't have a form yet.

It seems difficult.
Isshi: That's right. After all, the context of each time we say "I want to do this song" is not a reason in itself, is it? If it's done in that way, each time we say "Yes, that one" then we're agreeing, but on the other hand the track count is restricted...

Also, this time there may be people who are seeing Kagrra, for the first time, so do you take those circumstances into account?
Isshi: I think something like 'Ahh, if this is the first time, then the usual single medley should be good'. But I'll also say "But if you mention Kagrra, don't you get an image of folding fans?"

Because for Kagrra, there are several tracks during which all of the audience will be waving folding fans together along with the music, right?
Isshi: So, first of all, the emphasis will be on the single tracks, and then we'll include the folding fan tracks,and assuming we still have a flow, we've come up with a setlist that's not unnatural. Then, this time a certain kamite*(2) guitarist is saying, "I want to do an acoustic guitar track."

But surely, acoustic guitar is one of the main assets for Kagrra, now?
Isshi: That being said, well, were we to include a song that uses acoustic guitar, we'd be at the point of worrying "How do we consolidate that from here..." and next our shimote*(3) guitarist will say "I want to use the koto!"

And gradually it would become uncontrolled right? (wry smile)
Isshi: Yeah really! Having experienced such a process, I recently said "Well then, let's practice all of the songs we possibly can! So afterwards, one way or another it'll be in order."

In the beginning you said 'I want to give all my energy to my own band' but for some reason I understood 'Come on~'
Isshi: Saying that, in the beginning we'd be done after 8 songs, and now we're still moving ahead with 14 songs in a rehearsal.

Speaking frankly, what you can do in a performance isn't even half that is it??
Isshi: That's right. But, we intend to prepare no matter how abrupt it is. Because the time we have for performing our songs is short, but from our point of view, one by one our lives are heavy. Besides, when we're talking about some of the things we should be proud of, that's the quality of our songs and our performance strength, right? Building it up in that way, I want to challenge myself to prepare and perform such that we can display those parts.

That is to say, for Kagrra, it seems like the Peace&Smile Carnival tour 2005 kind of has a festival-like nuance right?
Isshi: Yeaah, it feels like I want it to be "Peace & Smile" until the end.

Isshi: Or should I say, I think it's something that should absolutely happen for sure. It's a natural state so I don't know what'll happen. Ahh but, I think it'll be good to get used to being included in the whole of "Peace & Smile". And then, whatever you can say about Kagrra, I think it's not an adult charm but a composed charm that we display.

So to speak, do you see a different sort of character among the young people who are there?
Isshi: No, it's not so much that but, for us, while we display such things, there are people who think 'Kagrra, is cool aren't they?' so I'm happy if they listen to our music in that regard, you know?

Speaking of which, your new single "Chikai no Tsuki" is coming out on February 1st, but you plan to announce things here before the upcoming event?
Isshi: Yes, that's right. Since these are just songs that are difficult to play at a live, I think we need to prepare more so that people can listen to it properly.

As a vocalist first and foremost, how do you intend to deal with this event?
Isshi: As for my voice, I have to take charge of doing my absolute best with the number of songs, so it's necessary to prepare for that.

What are those preparations?
Isshi: I think maybe I'll use a skipping rope in various places before the live. (laughs) Not vocalizing or stretching, but this kind of me-like warmup feels the best. Then for sure I'll do it until my sweat is trickling down.

After that, I think you'll have interactions with the vocalists of the other bands on this tour to some extent, but what are your thoughts about that?
Isshi: Hanging out with everyone a lot isn't a strong point for me either. (wry smile) But in that case it's no good right? I mean, vocalists are usually the kind of people with admirable behaviour, but it's because I'm absolutely a creature who thinks from the bottom of my heart that everyone should put themselves first. (laughs)

Ahaha. (laughs)
Isshi: I think even though we can understand each other, if it's possible wouldn't it be good for all of us to have lives like 'I'm the best!'? Yeah.
*1 - 'Lincoln' is a variety show for which the concept is "A TV show of the players, about the players, and for the players."
*2 - 'kamite' refers to the left side of the stage (when facing the stage, it's the right). Kamite guitarist is Akiya.
*3 - 'shimote' refers to the right side of the stage (when facing the stage, it's the left). Shimote guitarist is Shin.

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