
そう いつの時代でも
刺しつ 刺されつ

そう 止ん事無き御方も
荘厳な魅力に捕り憑かれて 朝を迎え

唯 声枯らし 
陳腐な恋噺に 我が身を捧げる

椴の詰りは のりてえんだろ?

もう どんな言葉でも
銭貨 銀貨 金貨に塗れて

唯 豚の様に

嗚呼 いいじゃないか? いんじゃないか?
愛じゃないか? 淫じゃないか?
さあ 猥らに絡みな

貪欲 瞋恚 愚癡 謂わば三毒
生きる我ら人は  正直既に死屍累累

唯 この時を
己に遣えて 早いとこおさらば!!

流れて流されて  長い物を巻き付けて
流れて流されて  俺は何処に行くのか、、、。
Magnificent, is it? Human Life.

So, it's the age when
Things you can do and things you can't
Don't seem all that different
Drinking and being drunk, it's give-and-take
Piercing and being pierced

So, the esteemed folks and supporters too
Are guys who hold and sleep with their chamber pots
Caught up in solemn charms, they greet the morning

Nevertheless, voices dry out
I devote myself to cliche romance stories

Heels over head, head over heels
Charming and even being charmed
Heels over head, head over heels
When it's all said and done, will the passengers smile?

No matter what kind of words
We're being weeded out, being united
A future of deep-rooted delusions is covered in
Coins, silver coins, gold coins

Nevertheless, like pigs
We're fattening up and can't even see our own toes?

Alas, it's no good is it? There's no cause, is there?
In case we indulge too much in our cravings
There's no passion, is there? There's no lewdness, is there?
Come now, intertwine with obscenities

Raga, Dosa, Moha, so to speak, the three poisons*
Embrace worldly desires, a hundred and eight things**
Us people who are alive are frankly piling up corpses already
That there? That? This? Which?
Where? There? Already, nothing at all...

Nevertheless, this time
You'll put it to use, quickly bid farewell!!

Flowing and being made to flow, twining around long things
Flowing and being made to flow, where am I going...?

*In Buddhism, Raga (desire), Dosa (ill will), and Moha (ignorance) are three Kleshas -  thoughts that result in suffering and poor actions - which poison the heart. I left the Buddhist terminology for poetic effect and because the next line references Buddhism as well.
**108 is the number of Klesha in Buddhism, or at least Japanese Buddhism.

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